At this time, I ask myself a lot of questions about Femen ... I wonder about their actions...
For sure, I think I would not have the balls (ahem ...) to serve such a movement.
Another thing is for sure, I told myself for a while that matriarchal societies are more peaceful than the patriarchal ones ...
The societies headed by women are so rare and scattered in the world (in Papua, Tahiti, to the borders of China and Tibet, formerly along the Indus ...), they have the peculiarity of being usually peaceful, egalitarian ... I would quote an article from the website (1): "archaeologists are even asking if this civilization had an army, some weapons have been found (perhaps they belonged to the Aryan invaders), but no representation of war scenes. Unlike other ancient civilizations, archaeological excavations have found no trace of powerful leaders, vast armies of slaves, social conflict, prisons and other aspects classically associated with first patriarchal civilizations. " Doesn't it make us envying, frankly? :)
And when I think of women, trying for several decades to impose themselves in the political caste ... they are almost intellectual transvestites !, supposedly-women politics, under the pretext of duty succeed in a man's world are bent to their dictates and with rowed more to get there, acquired and exacerbated their faults!
Margaret, Rachida, Mrine, Fadela, Nathalie, Michele ... (you'll give me the forenames of your's)
Seriously, they do not make me dream!!! One of the most striking example of recent years to me is Rachida Dati, leaving the hospital 4 minutes and a half after her child's birth, the placenta still dragging behind her, hailing a taxi to rush to the government's place! What a great example of social progress Dati (ironic)!!! And do not stallions us on Margaret, an iron hand in a brass knuckles ...
So ... what about Femen? I wonder. Femen, are they kind of Simone Weil or something else? Femen real women? There is a side of Femen which make me think about Amazons, and the Amazons are a matriarchy that goes quite in contrast to the examples we have seen, armed matriarchy combative. I appreciate their side hardliner, provocative, this side we are women and we assume (proof) ... but I can not help but wonder if there is not someone behind it ... (paranoia)
Franz VON STUCK "amazon"
I am Charlie
Yesterday, something was broken here in France.
Those irreverent cartoonists, we knew they were sometimes going too far but we loved them because their drawings basically sweat humanity and what characterizes it: humour and second degree, what makes us different from animals.
"It's Allah who feeds me, it's Allah that houses me, it's Allah who treats me"
"while you're there, you can ask him to wash your clothes. I'm tired of trying to whiten your underpants"
CHARB, the drawer had a fattwa for years and was under police protection for years also. He once said: "I prefer to die standing than living kneel down".
Femens are emulated: DOWN THE TRASH
CABU, cartoonist, dead on 01/07/15 in arm assault in Paris, like 11 others. Cabu took place for years in a kid tv show when i was a child.
I am just sad and flabbergasted.
Being happy is simple
It went to me that trying to simplify your life is just like trying to be happier. Or even happy at all.
I also realized that our society never speaks of happiness. In fact the theme has been swallowed up by advertising, which tries to mix everything to make us believe that happiness is pleasure, which has nothing to do with reality!
Fun drinking Cola, nutella is happiness spread, ... , fun to drink sugar, acidifiers, stabilizers, antioxidants and dyes and obesity, happiness greeding 70 sugar and oil!
Finally, I do not know about you, but I think i am representative of the 80's watching TV generation and literally gobble Ads ... through repetition, that finally convinced us ... finally no one asked, is happiness to do what we are told to? so we bought, and again and again ... How naive! even our parents thought it was progress!
Since the 50's, everything is perverted about consumerism! I would say because of the 50's rich and prosperous period when the good taste was to spend as much as possible. There was a notion of generosity but also from self-centeredness, and it has very slowly evolved into a negation of all that can live outside the 'I' (the others, but also the nature), it has ended in what we know, we run all day for work, there is no time to enjoy anything, we must store and clean, and when the weekend comes, we're just stressed, we want to de-stress and go out to think to something else ... and we are not happier for all that, on the contrary!

Good, but where is happiness in all this, I mean, yeah? Well when we get rid of the weight of possessions, one can perceive it. I seem to have lifted the sheet and see his thigh !!! But I also feel that the path will still be long and difficult! ... I think it is worth it!
Minimalist aesthetic
As a former Fine Arts student, I can not avoid the decoration topic!
Once you manage to get rid of most cluttery crap, you begin to dream of a Zen home! I, who was a fan of the selby
The selby seemed to me so wonderful, all these beautiful people living in wonderful messes of objects of all kinds, artists, bohemians people ... Yes, but that's only picture, because in reality, in my home it looked like that, but ugly and dirty, because i have of job madam, and I have no maid !!! I have to obviously recognize that beautiful-bohemian-mess is definitely not for me, I just can't do!
I realized from these few past months, that I forbade me to just go out sometimes, because inside, I thought: "no, I must go home and store!" ... But it was endless !
Now that's better. I breathe. But it made me realize that my decoration is totally heterogeneous, and I start to dream about shakers furniture,
or about architect Mies van der Rohe,
And here I am just saying that there is some way to go ...
... or not!
In fact I think it depends on the level of requirements in terms of aesthetics. In reality, this was not of fundamental importance, I believe that this is simply to put in the list of things that are "important to me" or things "not important to me"
Once you manage to get rid of most cluttery crap, you begin to dream of a Zen home! I, who was a fan of the selby
The selby seemed to me so wonderful, all these beautiful people living in wonderful messes of objects of all kinds, artists, bohemians people ... Yes, but that's only picture, because in reality, in my home it looked like that, but ugly and dirty, because i have of job madam, and I have no maid !!! I have to obviously recognize that beautiful-bohemian-mess is definitely not for me, I just can't do!
I realized from these few past months, that I forbade me to just go out sometimes, because inside, I thought: "no, I must go home and store!" ... But it was endless !
Now that's better. I breathe. But it made me realize that my decoration is totally heterogeneous, and I start to dream about shakers furniture,
or about architect Mies van der Rohe,
And here I am just saying that there is some way to go ...
... or not!
In fact I think it depends on the level of requirements in terms of aesthetics. In reality, this was not of fundamental importance, I believe that this is simply to put in the list of things that are "important to me" or things "not important to me"
Protesting, like Kristie Powell?
How not to mention the huge buzz caused by Kristy Powell's blog One Dress Protest? It is one of those actions that make us question ourselves, that make us wonder about the true purpose of life, the reality or not of happiness that we allegedly think compulsive clothes buying could procure?
Kristy Powell, a pretty blonde thirty years old blonde girl, decides one day that she will wear the same dress for 1 year. In protest. To protest against the reflection image of clothes, which is often not representative of who you really are.
On the blog, she recounts her ups and downs, her questions, her moods.
There you go. It's over, since 20 August 2012. It seems both relieved but nostalgic ... For me, what emerges from this experience is, "What do we really need in reality?" "What is enough for my happiness?" "What is essential?"
There, it is our job, to of all of us. Even if it is a great help, I do not completely agree with the imposed lists, such as Dominique Loreau does. I could never be content with so little, because yes, I am a girl, because yes, I love getting beautiful. Dominique Loreau is a follower of thou 7: 7 shirts, 7 trousers or skirts, 7 pairs of shoes, 7 outdoor outfits. Personally, I'd settle twice, which go back to: the number 7 for the winter and the same for the summer! (ok well, if you live in California you can stay on the first list!) Ahhh! here it goes! Yes, because when I wonder what is essential for me, clothes arrive on my podium with the bronze medal, so I'm forgiving!
I do not have them photographed, but I'm sort of, I took each of them and honestly wondered, "Do i really wear it often?" Easy ... if it is so, remain on the hanger, if not: bye bye!
One could also mention "The Parisian" from Ines de la Fressange for the chic classic course, but the rest of the book is reserved for her favorite shopping stores in Paris, I do not allow myself to advise you to purchase it (also expensive!)
Kristy Powell, a pretty blonde thirty years old blonde girl, decides one day that she will wear the same dress for 1 year. In protest. To protest against the reflection image of clothes, which is often not representative of who you really are.
On the blog, she recounts her ups and downs, her questions, her moods.
There you go. It's over, since 20 August 2012. It seems both relieved but nostalgic ... For me, what emerges from this experience is, "What do we really need in reality?" "What is enough for my happiness?" "What is essential?"
There, it is our job, to of all of us. Even if it is a great help, I do not completely agree with the imposed lists, such as Dominique Loreau does. I could never be content with so little, because yes, I am a girl, because yes, I love getting beautiful. Dominique Loreau is a follower of thou 7: 7 shirts, 7 trousers or skirts, 7 pairs of shoes, 7 outdoor outfits. Personally, I'd settle twice, which go back to: the number 7 for the winter and the same for the summer! (ok well, if you live in California you can stay on the first list!) Ahhh! here it goes! Yes, because when I wonder what is essential for me, clothes arrive on my podium with the bronze medal, so I'm forgiving!
I do not have them photographed, but I'm sort of, I took each of them and honestly wondered, "Do i really wear it often?" Easy ... if it is so, remain on the hanger, if not: bye bye!
One could also mention "The Parisian" from Ines de la Fressange for the chic classic course, but the rest of the book is reserved for her favorite shopping stores in Paris, I do not allow myself to advise you to purchase it (also expensive!)
Do I really need it?
What do I really need?
Here I am here before you. Perhaps would you like to know where I am, now, in this famous journey through minimalism.
When i began with minimalism, i was obsessed with the concept of owning 100 items, a beautiful and wonderful utopia. Just type in "100 things challenge" in google to get an overview. It is the country of capitalism and consumerism that most blogs can be found. In Quebec they call it "voluntary simplicity" and in France "minimalism".
The idea is to set the challenge of owning only 100 things. I was fascinated by these blogs for a while, drooling at the unbearable lightness of their lives ...
For myself, I am far away from this result! Very far! Firstly, I live alone with my two children. In short, we are 3 at home, so I'm far from getting rid of everything and living without clothes dryer, robot-blender, freezer or TV set! But I started to sort, and I must admit that I threw, gave or sold a considerable amount of things I had in-case (!) or that I kept for nostalgia. I think I managed to get rid of these two classes of objects. I was messy, I became normal. But I do not feel satisfied and I still feel a need more lightness.
It's very simple. Just wonder how long it was not used. I set myself a limit of 1 year. If it has not been used for 1 year: bye bye.
Having sold off all the old memories and "in-case-items" I have yet many things but I dare not proceed to the second phase of my household slimming map ...
That said, the two places where the before / after were the most striking were the kitchen and my closet! ... and what a treat! These are the two places where I had to go through taking pictures of each object. This will print everything and make a real "plan of attack"
-a large red cross on the really useless objects
-a little orange cross on useful items
-nothing on those who really are ...
Take a cardboard, write to "TO GIVE AWAY" and put everything that has a red or orange cross !!!! : D
Here I am here before you. Perhaps would you like to know where I am, now, in this famous journey through minimalism.
When i began with minimalism, i was obsessed with the concept of owning 100 items, a beautiful and wonderful utopia. Just type in "100 things challenge" in google to get an overview. It is the country of capitalism and consumerism that most blogs can be found. In Quebec they call it "voluntary simplicity" and in France "minimalism".
The idea is to set the challenge of owning only 100 things. I was fascinated by these blogs for a while, drooling at the unbearable lightness of their lives ...
For myself, I am far away from this result! Very far! Firstly, I live alone with my two children. In short, we are 3 at home, so I'm far from getting rid of everything and living without clothes dryer, robot-blender, freezer or TV set! But I started to sort, and I must admit that I threw, gave or sold a considerable amount of things I had in-case (!) or that I kept for nostalgia. I think I managed to get rid of these two classes of objects. I was messy, I became normal. But I do not feel satisfied and I still feel a need more lightness.
It's very simple. Just wonder how long it was not used. I set myself a limit of 1 year. If it has not been used for 1 year: bye bye.
Having sold off all the old memories and "in-case-items" I have yet many things but I dare not proceed to the second phase of my household slimming map ...
That said, the two places where the before / after were the most striking were the kitchen and my closet! ... and what a treat! These are the two places where I had to go through taking pictures of each object. This will print everything and make a real "plan of attack"
-a large red cross on the really useless objects
-a little orange cross on useful items
-nothing on those who really are ...
Take a cardboard, write to "TO GIVE AWAY" and put everything that has a red or orange cross !!!! : D
The lament of progress
Hello everyone!
I'm sorry for my approximate english, but i promise i'll try to improve myself day after day!
To start, I think we already reached a breakpoint. Personnal financial trouble, not being able to spend a day without buying something, and paradoxically, every day wondering how to store all this mess without making the link ...
I find excuses to myself... Paternal Diogenes syndrome, and after years spent together, my mother followed him on this path (no choice ...). Not only within my parents looked like one of those reality TV shows in which people come in to clean the mess of someone else, but they had a habit of buying everything and anything "just in case". This "in-case" has shaped my consuming habits for years. This electric oyster opener? I buy it in case, this double sided tape? in case,
Boris VIAN "La complainte du progrès"
To be brief, for long, i didn't question myself. At home, it was as if I did not like it but I do not know how to do otherwise.
The thing that made me begin to question myself was obviously Dominique Loreau's book, "The art of simplicity." I enjoyed the practical side of her explanations, yet what evolves more is in the head. Suddenly the bell is removed upon our heads and we say to ourselves, "But, YES!, I would feel so much better without all that mess!!!".
Here's how it all began ...
I'm sorry for my approximate english, but i promise i'll try to improve myself day after day!
To start, I think we already reached a breakpoint. Personnal financial trouble, not being able to spend a day without buying something, and paradoxically, every day wondering how to store all this mess without making the link ...
I find excuses to myself... Paternal Diogenes syndrome, and after years spent together, my mother followed him on this path (no choice ...). Not only within my parents looked like one of those reality TV shows in which people come in to clean the mess of someone else, but they had a habit of buying everything and anything "just in case". This "in-case" has shaped my consuming habits for years. This electric oyster opener? I buy it in case, this double sided tape? in case,
Boris VIAN "La complainte du progrès"
To be brief, for long, i didn't question myself. At home, it was as if I did not like it but I do not know how to do otherwise.
The thing that made me begin to question myself was obviously Dominique Loreau's book, "The art of simplicity." I enjoyed the practical side of her explanations, yet what evolves more is in the head. Suddenly the bell is removed upon our heads and we say to ourselves, "But, YES!, I would feel so much better without all that mess!!!".
Here's how it all began ...
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