
The lament of progress

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for my approximate english, but i promise i'll try to improve myself day after day!
To start, I think we already reached a breakpoint. Personnal financial trouble, not being able to spend a day without buying something, and paradoxically, every day wondering how to store all this mess without making the link ...

I find excuses to myself... Paternal Diogenes syndrome, and after years spent together, my mother followed him on this path (no choice ...). Not only within my parents looked like one of those reality TV shows in which people come in to clean the mess of someone else, but they had a habit of buying everything and anything "just in case". This "in-case" has shaped my consuming habits for years. This electric oyster opener? I buy it in case, this double sided tape? in case,

Boris VIAN "La complainte du progrès"

To be brief, for long, i didn't question myself. At home, it was as if I did not like it but I do not know how to do otherwise.

The thing that made me begin to question myself was obviously Dominique Loreau's book, "The art of simplicity." I enjoyed the practical side of her explanations, yet what evolves more is in the head. Suddenly the bell is removed upon our heads and we say to ourselves, "But, YES!, I would feel so much better without all that mess!!!".

Here's how it all began ...

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