
Do I really need it?

What do I really need?
Here I am here before you. Perhaps would you like to know where I am, now, in this famous journey through minimalism.

When i began with minimalism, i was obsessed with the concept of owning 100 items, a beautiful and wonderful utopia. Just type in "100 things challenge" in google to get an overview. It is the country of capitalism and consumerism that most blogs can be found. In Quebec they call it "voluntary simplicity" and in France "minimalism".
The idea is to set the challenge of owning only 100 things. I was fascinated by these blogs for a while, drooling at the unbearable lightness of their lives ...


For myself, I am far away from this result! Very far! Firstly, I live alone with my two children. In short, we are 3 at home, so I'm far from getting rid of everything and living without clothes dryer, robot-blender, freezer or TV set! But I started to sort, and I must admit that I threw, gave or sold a considerable amount of things I had in-case (!) or that I kept for nostalgia. I think I managed to get rid of these two classes of objects. I was messy, I became normal. But I do not feel satisfied and I still feel a need more lightness.

It's very simple. Just wonder how long it was not used. I set myself a limit of 1 year. If it has not been used for 1 year: bye bye.

Having sold off all the old memories and "in-case-items" I have yet many things but I dare not proceed to the second phase of my household slimming map ...

That said, the two places where the before / after were the most striking were the kitchen and my closet! ... and what a treat! These are the two places where I had to go through taking pictures of each object. This will print everything and make a real "plan of attack"
-a large red cross on the really useless objects
-a little orange cross on useful items
-nothing on those who really are ...

Take a cardboard, write to "TO GIVE AWAY" and put everything that has a red or orange cross !!!! : D

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