
politically incorrect: Femen

At this time, I ask myself a lot of questions about Femen ... I wonder about their actions...
For sure, I think I would not have the balls (ahem ...) to serve such a movement.
Another thing is for sure, I told myself for a while that matriarchal societies are more peaceful than the patriarchal ones ...
The societies headed by women are so rare and scattered in the world (in Papua, Tahiti, to the borders of China and Tibet, formerly along the Indus ...), they have the peculiarity of being usually peaceful, egalitarian ... I would quote an article from the website matricien.org (1): "archaeologists are even asking if this civilization had an army, some weapons have been found (perhaps they belonged to the Aryan invaders), but no representation of war scenes. Unlike other ancient civilizations, archaeological excavations have found no trace of powerful leaders, vast armies of slaves, social conflict, prisons and other aspects classically associated with first patriarchal civilizations. " Doesn't it make us envying, frankly? :)

And when I think of women, trying for several decades to impose themselves in the political caste ... they are almost intellectual transvestites !, supposedly-women politics, under the pretext of duty succeed in a man's world are bent to their dictates and with rowed more to get there, acquired and exacerbated their faults!

Margaret, Rachida, Mrine, Fadela, Nathalie, Michele ... (you'll give me the forenames of your's)

Seriously, they do not make me dream!!! One of the most striking example of recent years to me is Rachida Dati, leaving the hospital 4 minutes and a half after her child's birth, the placenta still dragging behind her, hailing a taxi to rush to the government's place! What a great example of social progress Dati (ironic)!!! And do not stallions us on Margaret, an iron hand in a brass knuckles ...

So ... what about Femen? I wonder. Femen, are they kind of Simone Weil or something else? Femen real women? There is a side of Femen which make me think about Amazons, and the Amazons are a matriarchy that goes quite in contrast to the examples we have seen, armed matriarchy combative. I appreciate their side hardliner, provocative, this side we are women and we assume (proof) ... but I can not help but wonder if there is not someone behind it ... (paranoia)

Franz VON STUCK "amazon"

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